2 min read
Universal International Auxiliary Language Project

The world is rapidly becoming a global village.  The amount of international communication involved in science, business, travel, entertainment, sport, study, and diplomacy is ever increasing.  But, our ability to cooperate efficiently as individuals remains compromised by the fact that we remain divided by our many difficult national languages.  As the prominent American scholar of Comparative Literature and World Literature, Albert Léon Guérard, put it decades ago, ‘The fact which seems to blind us with an excess of evidence is that the language obstacle is most emphatically not a theory but a condition.’  

It is questionable how much longer the world community can afford the huge financial and social burden that failing to solve the language obstacle imposes upon us.  It is obvious that we can’t rely on our political leaders to solve the problem any more than we can rely on them to protect us from: global climate change, the threat from weapons of mass destruction, or grotesque economic inequality.  Therefore, we as individual citizens must ask ourselves, ‘Why can’t we, ourselves, adopt an efficient unifying international auxiliary language?’  

Such a language already exists.  It is the language of Ido.  Ido is the epitome of a well-constructed international language.  It is far easier to learn and use than traditional national languages such as English.  It requires only about one-tenth of the time to learn English compared to learning English.  Other options, such as Esperanto and Globish, also already exist.

At this stage, there is no need for financial patronage.  I am doing the initial work and paying for any incidental costs.  Later on, you will be given the chance to contribute financially as well as to become a co-creator and co-director of the project.  It is my intention that all financial contributions will be returned to contributors in the form of contracts undertaken by co-creator project members. 

You can freely download a draft version of a document that presents a brief rationale for the creation of an efficient universal international auxiliary language (UIAL) (pronounced ‘you-eye-al’).  It also proposes a ‘roadmap’ showing how such a universal international language could be achieved.  To download it, simply double-click on the link below.

UIAL Project.docx


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